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Scare House

Hamburg Dungeon


States of Experiences

14 Experiences total

13 Active

1 Defunct

Types of Experiences

2 Coasters

1 Waterrides

3 Playgrounds

5 Others

2 Flatrides

1 Snacks


{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:00:54","Title":"Christmas storm tide 1717","LinkTitle":"christmas-storm-tide-1717","State":"Active","Entrance":"Right","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"Boat","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":1,"HasSeats":1,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

On Christmas Eve 1717, the citizens of Hamburg ring in the holy night like they do every year: they attend the church service in a stiff breeze before celebrating the Christmas feast together with their families.\/p>\n

Yet when they turn in for the night after their cosy celebration, they have no idea of the brewing danger that is about to pull them from their peaceful sleep just a few hours later\u2026\/p>\n

The storm surge that befalls the city on the night of December 24th takes the citizens of Hamburg completely by surprise. It had been storming the entire day yet by nightfall the wind suddenly shifts to northeast and then grows into a hurricane. The water rises rapidly and when the church bells eventually ring their alarm, it is already too late for many. But there is still hope! \u201cTo the boats, the dikes can\u2019t hold much longer!\u201d a voice offers a warning through the roaring storm \u2013 and so you\u2019re off, fleeing the relentless floodwaters that are coming closer and closer by the minute. But the trip to the lock that promises safety is long and perilous\u2026\/p>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---christmas-storm-tide-1717","Rating":5,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":3,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":799,"ExperienceType":"Waterride","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Christmas storm tide 1717



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:00:56","Title":"Drop Dead","LinkTitle":"drop-dead","State":"Active","Entrance":"","Coordinates":"53.54383950942486, 9.98877502582377","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":1,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

The dark cell blocks of Santa Fu are now behind you. You have helped a prisoner escape \u2013 was this deed your very own sentencing or is there still hope left for you?\/p>\n\/div>\n


There is no mercy in Santa Fu and those who break the rules will get punished. You and your group have aided in the escape of the infamous Prisoner 13 and now you have to bear the consequences. A sadistic warden is hauling you off toward your future of lifelong imprisonment. Do you still any chance at escape? And the walls of the prison are very high, would you even be able to climb them at all?\/p>\n

Feel the fear and the adrenaline coursing through your body. The drop from our tower is a very special experience that you would not want to miss under any circumstances.\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---drop-dead","Rating":4.4,"NumberOfRatings":5,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":16,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":798,"ExperienceType":"Tower","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Drop Dead



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:00","Title":"Hamburg is burning","LinkTitle":"hamburg-is-burning","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

The night of the 4th of May 1842 would go down in the history of the city of Hamburg. Come the next day, nothing would ever be the same: a large part of the city was destroyed, thousands of people had lost their entire belongings and some even their lives. To think that this disaster started off quite innocently\u2026\/p>\n\/div>\n


It was a warm night in May, 1842, shortly after midnight, that a watchman patrolling along the canals turned onto Deichstra\u00dfe. Everything appeared to be in order until he suddenly noticed thick plumes of smoke wafting across the street. The watchman instantly realized that a fire had broken out und rang the alarm. The fire rapidly turned into a blazing inferno since the nearby warehouses primarily stored easily flammable goods such as rubber, spirits, alcohol, and oil.\/p>\n

Hamburg is burning! It is not the first fire that ravages the Hanseatic city but it will be the one to wreak the most havoc. From a distance you can hear the frantic screaming of the people living in the nearby slums. It is dark and the air is stifling, the stench of burning wood filling your nostrils. Tread carefully so you do not lose your way in the smoke! The eerie crackling of the fire keeps coming closer and closer, flames licking at the walls and the windows. The fire is destroying everything in its way! There is no escape in sight! But how did the fire even start? Was it an accident or maybe even arson? In order to save Hamburg, the plan was to create a firebreak but the bourgeoisie refused to give up their homes.    \/p>\n

Only one question remains: do you believe that you\u2019ll be safe in the narrow alley here in the Hamburg Dungeon?\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---hamburg-is-burning","Rating":5,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1588,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Hamburg is burning



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:04","Title":"Klaus St\u00f6rtebecker","LinkTitle":"klaus-stoertebecker","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

Treason and Execution: talk to the head of Klaus St\u00f6rtebeker!\/p>\n

The talking head of Klaus St\u00f6rtebeker serves as the highlight of the new staging of the life and death of the legendary pirate. The most innovative projectors help bring the head of the revered \u201cLikedeeler\u201d back to life, making it seem almost deceptively real as St\u00f6rtebeker interacts with his pirate crew. Over the course of three shows you will become a part of this pirate crew which intends to save their beloved leader from execution in the year 1401.\/p>\n\/div>\n


After a rocky trip to the Grasbrook, anchor yourself and take a deep breath because now you will bear witness to St\u00f6rtebeker\u2019s beheading \u2013 and how his head, after it has been placed on a spike \u2013 starts speaking. Blood lust permeates the air: will it be your head that rolls next?\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---klaus-stoertebecker","Rating":3,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1584,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Klaus Störtebecker



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:10","Title":"Revenge of Maria Katharina W\u00e4chtler","LinkTitle":"revenge-of-maria-katharina-waechtler","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

The criminal case of Hamburg\u2019s  \u201cMaria Katharina W\u00e4chtler\u201c is one of the most sensational cases of the 18th century.\/p>\n\/div>\n


Maria was accused of murdering her husband, cutting his body up into pieces and dropping these pieces one by one on her journey to L\u00fcbeck. The amount of evidence was damning. Maria, however, refused to confess. As a result, she was subjected to years of the cruelest forms of torture in order to extort a confession from her. The media and the public feasted on her ordeal and eventually her public execution. The case remains unsolved. Yet one thing is for certain: the tortured soul of Maria Katharina W\u00e4chtler is out for revenge and she plans on getting even with the judiciary, the media, and all of Hamburg\u2019s citizens who laughed at her\u2026\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---revenge-of-maria-katharina-waechtler","Rating":3,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1583,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Revenge of Maria Katharina Wächtler



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:11","Title":"Saisonal Show","LinkTitle":"saisonal-show","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383950942486, 9.98877502582377","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

We love to mix up the dark characters in our catacombs every now and then. In our seasonal shows you will experience an additional dark story of Hamburg's past. Always for a short time only. So it's worth a visit, even if you've been to the Hamburg Dungeon before!\/span>\/p>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---saisonal-show","Rating":4,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1589,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Saisonal Show



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:11","Title":"Santa Fu","LinkTitle":"santa-fu","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

In the middle of the 19th century, the high security prison Santa Fu was built in Hamburg to detain the worst criminals. It was meant to keep society safe from all the cruel and selfish people of the city.\/p>\n\/div>\n


Greed, envy, and malevolence often pushed the convicts into committing a felony. In Santa Fu, then, they were supposed to receive their just punishment. Yet how does life look like in a prison like this? Are the conditions inside as bad as rumored on the outside? In the Hamburg Dungeon you have the opportunity to enter Santa Fu and make up your own mind about the living conditions. The governor himself will give you a tour since running a prison does cost a lot of money and that money has to come from somewhere after all.\/p>\n

But your curiosity may lead you into trouble when you meet the frightful beings in Santa Fu \u2013 so you better watch out! One of the many cells houses Prisoner 13 and he not only looks dangerous. Don\u2019t let him out of your sight because he was locked away for committing cold-blooded atrocities.\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---santa-fu","Rating":2,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1582,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

Santa Fu



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:14","Title":"The Inquisition","LinkTitle":"the-inquisition","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

You have survived the Great Fire of Hamburg and now you are in for one of the darkest eras of recorded history: the days of the inquisition. But don\u2019t worry \u2013 at the Hamburg Dungeon, it\u2019s more about the fun than anything else \u2013 unless you\u2019re one of the unlucky souls who has to confess their sins on the docks.\/p>\n\/div>\n


From the 15th to the 17th century, the inquisition made a stop in Hamburg. A small wart, a mole, red hair or simple false accusations by a vengeful neighbor were enough to be accused of witchcraft. At the Hamburg Dungeon you will meet the stern inquisitor in his courtroom. Just one look at you is all he needs, he can see right away that you are trying to hide away something. You have to remain in the docks until you confess or until your guilt has been proven. And the inquisitor of the city of Hamburg is not at all squeamish, he wants to hear every little detail and truly enjoys watching you suffer.\/p>\n

The inquisition at the Hamburg Dungeon thrives off the enjoyment and the interaction of the audience, for the eccentric judge picks his defendants personally from your group. No matter whether your crime be witchcraft, gluttony, or treason, his motto is always: \u201cdown with these felons, penalties are necessities!\u201d\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---the-inquisition","Rating":3,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1587,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

The Inquisition



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:14","Title":"The Labyrinth","LinkTitle":"the-labyrinth","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

After you and two other people from your group were sentenced by the holy inquisition, the doors now open to the confusing labyrinth of the Hamburg Dungeon. Are you brave enough to go ahead or will you tread carefully so as not to get lost?\/p>\n\/div>\n


Watch out \u2013 the labyrinth deep beneath the city is a treacherous path full of calamity. The mirrors are deceitful and can compromise your sense of direction. Will you be able to find your way through the tunnel to the hospital where you will take part in a stimulating lesson \u2026\/p>\n

One thing is for certain: there is no way back! Everything you can hear is screaming and wailing reaching you from inside the labyrinth, trying to lure you into stay.\/p>\n

On your way through the narrow jungle of mirrors you might be confronted by your own frightened reflection or you may unexpectedly encounter one of the other befuddled visitors.\/p>\n

Hurry! Those who have long been dead are starting to get restless...\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---the-labyrinth","Rating":5,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1586,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

The Labyrinth



{"LastEdited":"2024-04-24 15:01:14","Title":"The Plague Hospital","LinkTitle":"the-plague-hospital","State":"Active","Entrance":"None","Coordinates":"53.54383268861594, 9.988676331856295","Traintype":"None","HasWagons":0,"HasRows":0,"HasSeats":0,"HasScore":"0","HasPodest":0,"SeatOrientation":"0","Description":"

At the plague hospital at the Hamburg Dungeon it is now going to be a bit gruesome. The doctor is waiting for you and your group and will show you things you never even wanted to dream of! Spots, bumps, pus \u2026 yuk!\/p>\n\/div>\n


As tho the plague of 1350 wasn\u2019t enough \u2013 close to half the population of Europe died back then, leaving piles of bodies for gravediggers to dispose of \u2013 in 1712 the so-called \u2018black death\u2019 returned to Hamburg once more. Out of the 70.000 residents of Hamburg, 11.000 people had to die. During this time of the plague, the Danes blockaded Hamburg with troops and ships in order to prevent further ships from docking and thus to prevent the plague from spreading.\/p>\n

You better prepare for an eerie encounter with our resident plague doctor at the Hamburg Dungeon. He will be all too pleased to describe to you the full extent of the plague in every miniscule detail in a very dramatic, descriptive and also somewhat disturbing manner.\/p>\n

Don\u2019t worry, he is honestly happy to tell you about the plague. It is no coincidence that he is quite so bloodthirsty and enthusiastic \u2013 he genuinely enjoys what he is doing. And teaching you and your group is a particular honor!\/p>\n

Now it\u2019s about time to get to the bottom of things!\/p>\n\/div>","ExperienceLink":"\/places\/experience\\?stage=Stagehamburg-dungeon---the-plague-hospital","Rating":4,"NumberOfRatings":1,"Height":0,"Length":0,"Duration":0,"Speed":0,"HasSingleRider":0,"HasFastpass":0,"HasOnridePhoto":0,"AccessibleToHandicapped":0,"ParentID":12,"TypeID":5,"AreaID":0,"StageID":0,"ID":1585,"ExperienceType":"Show","ExperienceArea":null,"ExperienceStage":null}

The Plague Hospital



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